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Broken PCB Connections
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JulesP 4 years ago
I have just I have just received a order of some PCB and discovered a connection fault that does not make sense. The schematic (attached PCB Query 1) clearly shows a good connection between the Earth track and the Ground connection and also the emitter of the power transistor but the PCB layout shows gaps (see PCB Query 1 & 2) that have of course reproduced on the actual PCB I have received (PCB Query 4). How is this possible? Every other connection appears good just as on the schematic. My PCB is now pretty much useless! I am in the process of preparing a much more complex circuit and if I don't have trust that all the connections will be good then how can I possibly use this particular system? Any insights would be appreciated. Thanks Jules ![PCB Query 1.jpeg](// ![PCB Query 2.jpeg](// ![PCB Query 3.jpeg](// ![PCB Query 4.jpeg](//
deskpro256 4 years ago
Hello, unfortunately, seems like this is on you. You have 2 transistors in the schematic: Q1 and Q3. In the PCB images, you have a trace with a net named "Q2_3", which means Q2 pin 3(probably emitter) that you want to be connected to GND. BUT there is no Q2 in your schematic. Pads and traces will only make a connection if they have the same net, which in your case is a problem. On your GND connector\, the 2 outer pins have the net "U4\_1" and the trace that connects them is also under the same "U4\_1" net\. U4_1 is your GND net, which Q3 pin 3 wants to be connected to, but can't. While you fix your PCB's in the editor, you can scrape off the soldermask from the faulty PCB's and connect them with a solder blob, won't be pretty, but it will work. I'd suggest that you also make the power traces thicker, especially the motor connections. Also, do you really need the components to be so far apart from each other? Try using a GND plane for both top and bottom layers. Use GND and VCC net symbols in your schematic. You could also try re-annotating your components using the annotate tool to get rid of scattered component names(R1, R6, R54 to R1, R2, R3 etc): ![Screenshot_1.png](// And when you are done with updating the schematic, press the "update PCB" button to have the latest changes. Before ordering the PCB's, please double check your connections, DRC and even after you have made the gerbers, check those too, so you don't have another failure in post. Hope this helps you, good luck!
JulesP 4 years ago
Thanks for the guidance :)
JulesP 4 years ago
Although I have to wonder why the trace did not rename itself Q3-3 when I tried to connect the Q3 emitter to the GND connector. It's not as if there is another net to interact with and it was just a connection between two points? Jules
andyfierman 4 years ago
@JulesP, May I ask if you: 1. generated the initial PCB layout by first creating the schematic followed by doing Create PCB from the Schematic Editor and then; 2. did any subsequent changes to the schematic first followed by doing Update PCB from the Schematic Editor or Import Changes from the PCB Editor and;  3. Read the Tutorial, studied the Design Flow in it and followed the Checklists linked to in (2) in: []( If not then the type of net name mismatches and consequent routing mistakes you have on your PCB are fairly typical of the errors that can be expected to occur and which the above post is intended to help our users avoid.
JulesP 4 years ago
Yes I followed that basic pattern but did make a change to the number of thee power transistor so maybe i didn't update that properly so I did not have that component number in its list.
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