I just started using EasyEDA and have recently completed my first project. Overall I am very happy but there are a few bugs that I ran into. I kept a journal of them and here they are:
Bug: if you copy a track, set the net of the copy to blank, THEN copy/paste the new (blank-net) track, the copies don't have a blank track. They have a NULL track!
Bug: If you cut/paste a schematic between pages, any component that has a name that does not end in a digit gets a "1" appended to it, even if there is no conflict. And then when you update the PCB, because of all the name changes, components get deleted and new versions get created. **The name of any object should not be changed unless it causes a conflict (in which case, a warning needs to pop up before this is done!)**.
This also happens if you copy schematics from another project into a blank project (so you can set the project path properly by creating a new project instead of cloning)
It gets worse. If you create a new project, copy in the schematic from a template project, fix any of the +"1" renames, then copy in the PCB design from the template project, when you update the PCB, it deletes any component that was renamed and creates a new component, even though the names were fixed in the schematic before the PCB was created!