You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Bug report - DXF version too old.
540 2
JWSmythe 1 year ago
I'm making a board with a complex border, to facilitate using multiple card edge connections. I designed the board layout in Fusion 360, and exported as the only DXF option available. When I tried to import to EasyEDA Pro, it throws the error "DXF version too old, please import DXF 2007 and above version". I tried to open it in inkscape, and re-save it, but EasyEDA throws the same error. I tried various online converters, but they all throw the same error. The temporary solution I found was to load it up in Solidworks, and then save it as a newer DXF.  It has several to choose from, and I used the newest version.  That did load correctly. If the devs can, I'd appreciate if they went back to the old version of the DXF library, that can handle the old file format which seems to be universally accepted in other software. This is the error ![2023-04-26 17_24_46-JLCEDA Pro - Full Online Mode _ Licensed to - jwsmythe _ Carb Bala.png](// This is the board outline I was attempting to import (partial shown) ![2023-04-26 17_18_42-Autodesk Fusion 360 (Personal - Not for Commercial Use).png](// This is how it looks after I converted in Solidworks, imported, added pads, and adjusted component placement. ![2023-04-27 13_13_03-JLCEDA Pro - Full Online Mode _ Licensed to - jwsmythe.png](//
James.Washer 1 year ago
I have this same issue - although i dont have access to Solidworks to repair, only Fusion 360 so I am stuck. Please review this, as I used to use this feature a lot for board outlines.
UserSupport 1 year ago
Hi we will solve this issue at v2.0 please use other tools to convert the dxf version such as freecad, online tool: [DXF CAD converter (](
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