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CPL file incorrect
1110 4
MikeDB 4 years ago
When choosing to have SMD components loaded on the reverse side, every component is wrong.  Look carefully and you can see they are all rotated 180 degrees.  Please fix this urgently in software rather than me having to ask the person at JLCPCB SMD to correct each component manually. ![image.png](//
MikeDB 4 years ago
Still no response on this, and it still doesn't work
MikeDB 4 years ago
And just noticed it fails once on the topside (U10) ![image.png](//
david.knell 4 years ago
The one part being rotated 90 degrees on the top layer is almost certainly just an error in the footprint. As for all of the parts on the bottom being wrong, that's a bit weird - there is an option to mirror them when the CPL file's generated; does that help/make things worse? <br> <br>
MikeDB 4 years ago
I've checked the footprint and it's fine.  Even replaced it with a similar footprint and no change.   Since posting I've checked the CPL and it's absolutely fine, so talked to JLCPCB and they think it might be a bug in their parts placement viewer, so at the moment they are doing a manual check on all PCBs to make sure all parts are loaded correctly as per email below. Mirroring made things disastrous - its obviously not intended for production at JLCPCB. <br> Thank you for your email.As to the preview / Gerberviewer on the website, it is only for the purpose of reviewing the file quickly before paying for your order.But sometimes, there might be something wrong on the website to display it EXACTLY.Our engineer will check the files after you upload in our website and **generate corrected DFM analyse.**We suggest you to check the corrected DFM analyse in our website after ordering 4-5 business hours.If there is any problems with the corrected DFM analyse like wrong orientation,you can inform us and we will rotate it for you .By the way,we will also suggest you to put the polarity in the silk screen layer so that our engineer can place it accoring to your silk screen layer.Hope this will help you .Thank you .
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