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Can I make a Bare copper on my pcb
1202 2
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;" class="">[https://scontent\.fbkk12\-2\.fna\.fbcdn\.net/v/t1\.0\-9/71775835\_2457516037906974\_8106317838496563200\_n\.jpg?\_nc\_cat=105&ccb=1\-3&\_nc\_sid=8bfeb9&\_nc\_eui2=AeGkOzlPduNmsBPuJIbUbWTCzKlduy9td0rMqV27L213ShhitEhaDYHKHg2V\_RJZwHHXy53rOtEjYIhBZEw1aL6L&\_nc\_ohc=pPit8622O\_UAX9smG\-4&\_nc\_ht=scontent\.fbkk12\-2 fna & โอ้ = 16321f3de90d5818a23c290ffb4f6a67 & oe = 606B6336]( this is an example not my pcb</font></font>
Alex_Tien 3 years ago
1\. left click the net you want 2\. click the expose copper ![image.png](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
Oversoldering is a moderately effective and labour intensive way to increase the current carrying capacity of tracks on a PCB. Note that boards assembled by JLCPCB probably do no not use wave soldering and any through hole parts are likely to be hand soldered but oversoldering may not be carried out as a normal part of their assembly process. Given that solders have somewhere between 8% and 15% of the conductivity of copper, [,improvement%2C%20scoring%20an%208.7%20percent](,improvement%2C%20scoring%20an%208.7%20percent). a combination of increasing the track width and reducing track length is a better solution for reducing track resistance and the consequent temperature rise. In the example shown, the oversoldered tracks could have been made considerably wider and their lengths reduced by a more carefully considered layout. [](<br> <br> [](<br> <br> Note that in the second video, wave soldering is incorrectly referred to as flow soldering.
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