You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Can i create leds by code instead of searching in Library and adding to schematic?
2476 0
Yariv Hashai 2 years ago
is there an option to add by code electronic components instead of searching them manually? I was trying to use the createShape API from here - [](<br> <br> for exsample - ``` api('createShape', {shapeType:'schlib', shortUrl:'nxlVIGgQO', from:'system', title:'556_DIL14', x:400, y:300}); api('createShape', {shapeType:'FOOTPRINT', shortUrl:'RrkewO60i', from:'system', title:'ARDUINO_PRO_MINI', x:400, y:300}); ``` (which are not working) But i was unable to understand where i get the short url from and how i can determine the other parameters there - today i'm just doing it manually - but for large project, i would like to be able to do it via code if possible any ideas?
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