You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Can not unpin project from top
439 15
algavrik 2 years ago
One of my projects made itself pinned to the top of the project's list. When trying to right click and "unpin from top" get "error! plaese try again later". App restart did not help. Latest ver. Doing the same using goes to the same error.
andyfierman 2 years ago
@algavrik, **Unpin from Top** and **Pin to Top** works OK for me using web version running in Chrome.
algavrik 2 years ago
Tried chrome and opera now - same error.
algavrik 2 years ago
Another projects pins and unpins OK. The problem with one project that appears to be pined itself and does not want to be pined off. Who from support team can help?
UserSupport 2 years ago
Can you can add me into your project as member ? usersupport we will have a look
Det 2 years ago
Windows 10 / Firefox (current) / Webclient STD Similar Problem here: I have around 150 projects and can't pin one or unpin one. This behavior happened some time ago, and I thought: "Well, they'll be fixing this in due time" - sadly not. Yeah, I can get along somehow - used the pin mechanic to keep track of current projects. It would be great if you guys can fix this - easyEDA is a really great product!
UserSupport 2 years ago
@detamend please add me into one project as a member, we will have a look: usersupport thanks
Det 2 years ago
Hio UserSupport - you have been added. Hope you guys find the problem - and thanks in advance!
UserSupport 2 years ago
@detamend Hi I can't see your project, do you delete it?
Det 2 years ago
Hi @UserSupport -- nope, my test-project (called 000___PLAYGROUND) is there. There's no PCB, since I'm normally using this one as a - well - Playground :) Sorry I can't be of any help - I never tried this adding someone to a project before. To be on the safe side, I added you to a different project as a manager - hope, this helps!
andyfierman 2 years ago
@detamend , You could make a test project then make it public and share the link: [](
andyfierman 2 years ago
@detamend, Or download the project as zipped json files and email it to support?
UserSupport 2 years ago
@detamend Hi I have try to pin your project, it is works well can you help to take a error message when you pin the project how to get error image: 1, open the editor at browser 2, press F12 to open developer tool 3, change to network tab ![图片.png](// 4, pin this project, check the API response preview 5, take the image
Det 2 years ago
Sure can do. Trying to unpin a project ends with this: ![Unbenannt-1.jpg](// Debug (german Firefox): Request for an unstick action: ![2.jpg](// ...and the answer from the server: ![3.jpg](// ...wich corresponds with the error message in the main window. So, the server isn't happy about the uuid?
UserSupport 2 years ago
@detamend got it thanks, we will have a look
@usersupport I have the same problem ([Det]( with all projects. It started after an update that lasted a few days, it was a few months ago. At some point, I can pin the project, but after refreshing the page, everything is reset. same error code 500. can you help me?
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