Pretty new to EasyEDA. Sorry in advance I am not the best at explaining things. I'll do my best...
I will say first that sometimes when drawing a wire, it stops at the edge of the center of the pin/connector. Can someone tell me why that's happening? I tried drawing a wire to an LED that I had previously placed a wire on with no issue. Both on the same (bottom) side of a 2 layer board. Then the little yellow "X" appears. I had manually moved the wire to the center of that LED pin myself.
When using the menu **Design > Check DRC**, it shows 4 errors:
2 "Clearance (Track - Track)" and 2 "Clearance (Pad - Track)" errors.
The bottom of the screen gives a note on the error:
"The clearance between two object is less than the Design Rule Checking (DRC) clearance with has different nets."
I am not exactly sure what that means.
I have attached an screenshot of the error.
Thanks in advance for any help!
![ACL40 Error.png](//