You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Can we take a project from Pro and convert it to use the older version (non-Pro).
5156 8
pommie 1 year ago
I just can't trust Pro anymore.
dillon 1 year ago
Please confirm what happen to you at first, let me know your detail.
pommie 1 year ago
It's so full of bugs I can't work with it anymore. Actually, I simply don't trust it. EasyEDA must have lost so many customers because of this.
dillon 1 year ago
@pommie  please check my reply.  If there is a big problem, we do will fix it. we need to confirm it at first. please help us to confirm.   thanks
pommie 1 year ago
What am I confirming? That it's full of bugs? I've reported a few on this forum and none have been fixed. Can you answer my question?
andyfierman 1 year ago
@pommie, To answer your original question: "Can we take a project from Pro and convert it to use the older version (non-Pro)." No. What you can do is export it as Altium ascii format files and import those into EasyEDA Std.
pommie 1 year ago
I'll try that. I tried copying the source but it isn't compatible. Thanks.
rb3rg 1 year ago
@andyfierman I can't find in the STD the option to import.
andyfierman 1 year ago
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