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Cannot ADD points to Copper Area and Solid Region by clicking on outline.
1709 8
andyfierman 6 years ago
The "Edit Points" editor option is useful but it used to be possible to **add** points to a Copper Area or a Solid Region boundary simply by clicking on part of the boundary between existing points. In V5.6.10 it now apears the only option is to used the "Edit Points" X, Y co-ordinate and Arc dialogue box. This is very tedious and time consuming because it is not always clear where in XY space a new point may need to be added whereas on the PCB it is quite clear. That means that ponts have to be added in the dialogue box and _then_ moved in the Editor to put them exactly where the user wants. This may be OK for simple shapes but for fitting around complex shapes ad board outlines it can take a long time to do this. * It is still possible to **delete** points by double-clicking on them so why not keep the option of **adding** them by double-clicking on an empty section of boundary? I can't remember if Copper Area and Solid Region used to have draggable blue circles like in just PCB Tracks but I think that introducing that (or adding it back in again) would be an ideal and very fast solution! Thanks.
UserSupport 6 years ago
Got it!we miss this feature not remove it on purpose when we finish this function..... we will fix this. Thanks
terryjmyers 6 years ago
This is getting really annoying not being able to add points by double clicking....
dillon 6 years ago
@terryjmyers  Will provide it at next version.  the new version is under testing. Thanks
martin 6 years ago
My 2c: regressions as significant as this one warrant an almost immediate minor release. Users shouldn't have to wait for a more important release to be tested. I feel it's normal that errors in regression testing happen; but you have to be better at fixing them faster. Would be good to fix the bug that makes it impossible to move an entire region, too...
UserSupport 6 years ago
@martin @terryjmyers Hi All, The editor have updated to v5.6.15 now, please try this version. Thanks
ghost.14971 6 years ago
Mam wersję 5.9.42 i nadal nie możesz wygodnie pracować z miedzianym obszarem, dodając punkty za pomocą podwójnego kliknięcia.
andyfierman 6 years ago
@ghost.14971, Przeciągnij niebieskie kółka, aby dodać wierzchołek. Kliknij dwukrotnie zielone kółka, aby usunąć wierzchołek. Drag the blue circles to add a vertex. Double click the green circles to delete a vertex.
andyfierman 6 years ago
Please note the above post. It was never possible to add a vertex by double clicking. Double clicking always deleted a vertex.
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