If I create a symbol from new then the helper allows me to enter the part manufacturer information.
But if I clone an existing symbol that does not have this information in it then I cannot add it.
(Also if I clone a symbol which _does_ have Manufacturer information in it in the Search Libraries Manufacturer field _then I cannot change or delete that information in the cloned copy._)
For example, I cloned this symbol:

to modify and create this V3340 symbol to which I added a field in the EasyEDA Source file for the Manufacturer (you can see it in the lower right of the background window):

If I just open the Search Libraries tool then the V3340 is at the top of the list because it is the most recently created or edited part but now there is a column for the Manufacturer but I cannot access it to add the manufacturer information and it does not pick up the information from the EasyEDA Source file.
