You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Cannot delete component pin texts
2319 2
Pavle Gartner 5 years ago
I have created my first schematic and converted it to the PCB. Texts for each pin (marked with green square) are automatically included in the silk layer, but I would like to remove it. If I right-click -> delete, nothing happens. I tried entering empty text too, but it does no change anything or sometimes outputs "void". I also tried deleting pin names in schematic "Edit symbol", but names are still transfered to PCB. One more thing - these texts are not component names, I can hide those with "Prefix display". How can I proceeed? ![2018-10-16 09_41_22-EasyEDA - A Simple and Powerful Electronic Circuit Design Tool.png](//
UserSupport 5 years ago
That is including with the PCBlib, you can delete them directly, you can edit the PCBlib and place a now one,   []( or unproup this footprint and delete the text, and then re-group them as a footprint. []( if you only need to these text not on the silkscreen, you can select them and change they layer to Document layer.
Pavle Gartner 5 years ago
Thanks and kudos for great and fast support! It works like charm (ungroup->delete or moving to document layer). Best regards, Pavle
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