The API documentation does not explain how to delete a shape: [](
In fact, it says this:
**Delete Shapes**
**Removing shapes by follow code**
Except, there is no code example!
In my case, I need to delete a track. I have tried an educated guess, such as:
api('deleteShape', {id:'gge13'})
I've also tried just setting the shape to have no points, as in:
api('updateShape', {
"shapeType": "TRACK",
"jsonCache": {
"gId": t2.gId,
"pointArr": []
The script I'm writing ought to be very handy for a lot of people. When you're designing and redesigning a board, often your tracks get subdivided. Then when you try and move things around, only part of the track moves; you have to move each subpart and delete any bits that are hanging on. The script does two things:
1. It looks for pairs of tracks that have the same net, layer, and width, and where the start/end of one is also the start/end of the other. It combines them into a single track.
2. Within any track, it looks for triplets of points (a,b,c) that are in line (ie: slope(a,b) == slope(b,c)) and replaces them with the pair (a,c), simplifying the track.
I have it completely working except for deleting the redundant track.
Much obliged for any help that can be provided.