You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Cannot save a public project anymore in my private workspace
929 9
robvdv 4 years ago
When I open a public project I cannot save it anymore to my private workspace. The menu for “save / save as” has been grayed out. Has something changed ? Thx, Rob This seems to be a bug.  Saving any older public project to the private workspace is not possible any more as the owner has not openened / or saved it in version V6.3 39 or later . This means the majority of the older public projects can not be used for personal use (if the owner has not updated it in V63.3 39 or later).
andyfierman 4 years ago
@robvdv, **Please change the Category of this topic to Bug Report.** What seems to be wrong is that if the public project has not been opened and then saved in V6.3 39 or later, it cannot be saved by anyone else. I have already commented on this behaviour but had not thought it through and realised that it will apply to all earlier public projects and so had not raised a Bug Report about it. Please see this topic for a bit more: [](
UserSupport 4 years ago
Please clone public project, doesn't support to save as public project file anymore. cc to @andyfierman
andyfierman 4 years ago
@UserSupport, Sorry but I think you misunderstand the problem. Let me try to explain by demonstrating the issue. The link below is to a public project of simulation schematics that I created in my "example" login 4 years ago, long before V6.3.39: [https://easyeda\.com/example/Use\_and\_abuse\_of\_voltage\_sources\_in\_ngspice\_01\-db5nhzR93]( **_Note that I am currently not logged in as "example", I am logged in as "andyfierman"._** I click on the link which opens the Project page where I can read about the project and look at pictures of the schematics but there is no **Clone** button so the **_only_** other option is to **Open In Editor**: ![image.png](// So I click **Open in Editor** on any schematic (or to open the whole Project) and I then get this message: ![image.png](// asking me to save the document after it has opened. The schematic then opens in Std mode. I can see that it has not been saved because it has an asterisk on the tab. But it is not possible to save it because the **Save** option is greyed out and **CTRL+S** does nothing: ![image.png](// **But because the project has not been saved by me, it does not appear in my Projects list so I cannot select and then clone it. ** **![image.png](//** Also, because this is a Simulation Schematic, I need swap into Sim mode so I click on **Sim**: ![image.png](// and then I get this message: ![image.png](// So I click **Confirm** and I get this message: ![image.png](// I cannot save it because the Save option is greyed out. If I click **Don't Save** then the project closes. **So there is no way that I can save the project so it is impossible to clone it!** The **only** way that anyone other than the user "example" can save this project is if I log out as "andyfierman" and then log in as "example", open it and then save it. Then if I log out as "example" and log back in as "andyfierma"n, I can open the Project and then just Save it in the normal way. In fact I then do not need to Clone it! **This is an example that I can use to demonstrate this issue because I have two different logins and I have Projects that I created years ago _but the same issue applies to anyone who wants to copy a Public Project made by someone else in a version before V6.3.39 and who has not saved that Public Project after updating to V6.3.39._**
robvdv 4 years ago
@ andyfierman You explained exactly what the problem is. Thx!! @ usersupport I hope you can fix the issue quickly because due to the currently problem most of the “older” public projects cannot be re-used by other users. Thx, Rob
UserSupport 4 years ago
@robvdv @andyfierman Please clone it, or star it at present. we will remove this limitation at next release. ![图片.png](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
Oh! Sorry, I'd completely  missed that clone or fork button... Thanks.   :)
andyfierman 4 years ago
@UserSupport No, sorry but the clone or fork button does not work. Tried it on my example project above and I get the 404 screen as reported in this Bug Report: [](
jaka87 3 years ago
Same thing here. I was trying to copy some parts of project schemes without success with older projects. New ones works fine..
GerritMax 3 years ago
@UserSupport Just seeing that image saved me a ton of work. I've been trying to build a design for a audio equalizer and I had found this beautifully designed schematic and pcb and wanted to slightly modify it to my needs and taste but as I quickly found I wasnt able to copy it or save it in my account. After seeing the image you posted I managed to clone it, now I can work on modifying it a bit, the design has rotating potentiometers and I want sliding potentiometers. BTW, the one I'm on about is here [](
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