You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Cannot put tracks for parts on silk layer.
932 5
koosjr 9 years ago
I am currently having trouble with failed DRC checks and noticed that the rectangle that is drawn around components, is actually a copper track. Although one can edit component and put that track on a silk layer, the moment it is imported to the PCB layout, it sits on a top or bottom layer. Why does the software not have a simple line that is not a track - as that is the only way to get a line to show?
koosjr 9 years ago
Right, I also checked this for parts in the library that was not created by me. The outlines of components are all tracks and all put on the silk layer. The moment that part goes inot the PCB layout, it becomes a top or bottom layer. The only things that keeps the properties, are the pins that stays on "all" layers.
dillon 9 years ago
Hi, You need to delete the bad package on the PCB, then import again.
koosjr 9 years ago
I have done that. No difference as far as I can see.
koosjr 9 years ago
There is a difference in the photo view though. Will play some more and ask question if I do not come right.
dillon 9 years ago
After delete J` J2 and ST, then click import changes. Your PCB will be look like bellow image ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20151116/564978a465c97.png
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