I have a circuit I'm working on and was considering adding a simple RC circuit to control a transistor to enforce an initial state. I got as far as adding the capacitor in series with a grounded resister and threw in a voltage probe between the cap and resistor to fine tune the RC value before proceeding with adding the transistor and the rest of the initial state logic.
What I discovered was that the voltage between the cap and resistor is always zero no matter what values I use for the cap and resistor. I even tried a full Farad for the cap and 1 Megohm for the resistor and still the voltage on the probe was a constant zero.
Could someone take a look at the circuit and see what I could have missed? You can ignore all the op amp stuff and just look at the battery, the ground, C4, R12 and the probe, volProbe1.
[enter link description here][1]
I was running a transient simulation, starting at time 0, the increment set to 1 second and taking the simulation out to 120 seconds.
Here's an image of the circuit with the relevant RC circuit circled:
![enter image description here][2]
And here's an image of the transient simulation with the relevant probe and output identified:
![enter image description here][3]
[1]: https://easyeda.com/editor#id=trpLJjECAW
[2]: /editor/20160509/572fc7dfbcd69.png
[3]: /editor/20160509/572fc812bed8e.png