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Cant login to EASY EDA Widnows
9142 20
Cristian Alonso 5 years ago
Can't login with google in of the computers I am using currently. It keeps popping up with a Google warning notifying that the either the explorer or the application might not be secure. ![image.png](//![image.png](// Kind Regards.
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi That is Google blocks other browsers to login Google account, you can find out some news like this. this is the method for solving this issue: 1、Reset your password []( 2、set the New password 3、then you can login with Google account at Chrome or login with password at desktop client.
Cristian Alonso 5 years ago
How do I reset the password as I have never inputted a password to easyEDA as it uses my google Oauth to login.
UserSupport 5 years ago
@fizcris Just try to reset it follow the step. Or you can try: 【Tip and Skill】How to create the desktop client for yourself [](
Joler Apps 4 years ago
@UserSupport It's a strange way to put it that "Google blocks other browsers..." if no other browser has been opened or attempted by only login through Chrome browser. Obviously there is some bug in the EasyEDA code and user should not have to have so much work around just to get logged in. Otherwise, you guys are doing nice work developing it, as far as my early impression goes.
UserSupport 4 years ago
@jolerapps Our client are release more than one years, we didn't change or update anything. this issue seems start at 2019.9 that is Google block the lower Chromium core browsers. EasyEDA client is under Electron 3.0.11, which is base on Chromium. we will release a new version to void this issue, you can login with password first at present. you can search this issue []( []( []( []( [https://www\.reddit\.com/r/techsupport/comments/egbxom/unable\_to\_sign\_in\_to\_google\_account\_in\_chrome\_on/]( [https://www\.reddit\.com/r/firefox/comments/edxse8/this\_browser\_or\_app\_may\_not\_be\_secure\_when/](
Alexey Khozin 4 years ago
When do you plan to fix it? ![image.png](//
UserSupport 4 years ago
@alexey.khozin do you install the lastest client?
Alexey Khozin 4 years ago
yes of course, I tried logging with version 6.3.43 But it doesn't matter for me already I switched my logging method from google account to using email/pswd.
UserSupport 4 years ago
@alexey.khozin download a new client, we release a new client, same as v6.3.43. redownload and reinstall
UserSupport 4 years ago
@fizcris @jolerapps we release a new client, same as v6.3.43. please re-download and re-install
Cristian Alonso 4 years ago
@UserSupport Hi, I have tried with the new client, still no luck...
jorge.r.gimenez 4 years ago
éstou com o mesmo caso, tive que logar vai email, se fizesse pelo Chrome não tinha como
James Smith 4 years ago
I had the same problem. It occurs when trying to login via google account. I found if i manually login first of it doesn't work says password is incorrect. I reset the password first time round it wouldn't work. However the 2nd time round it worked and thus am able to use the app again. Anyone having the same trouble please try the same method and see if it works for you too.
Kimmo Lehto 4 years ago
It's been over a year when a fix was promised in two weeks. It still doesn't work. This should be a case of upgrading the Electron dependency, which you should do anyway when there is a new version. It's much easier to stay updated when you always keep up with the latest versions, eventually you will run into a problem where you can't use another dependency anymore because it requires a newer version of electron.
Rafał Najda 4 years ago
still same problem...
matrix0606 4 years ago
Hi. I have problem with logging to client 6.4.7 on my Linux Mint 20 Ulyana. Everytime when i log put i must writing my login and password\. I'm not using google account but other email like someuser\_at\_wp\.pl I allready reset my password and i still have problem.
Mike Howard 3 years ago
Seems like you guys did not follow Googles recommendation for solving this issue: **Information for app developers** If you implemented "Sign in with Google" with the Chromium Embedded Framework, you’ll need to migrate to a more secure alternative: * Switch to use [browser-based OAuth]( * Migrate your desktop app to a [Progressive Web App](
Mike Howard 3 years ago
FYI for anyone else searching for how to get around this issue. If you have only ever logged in with your Google acount by using "Continue with Google", you will have to use the "Forgot your password?" link at the bottom of the main login, on the Web browser application, to change your Web browser login credentials. After doing this, you can login to both the Web browser and the Desktop application with the same credentials. ![image.png](//
Mike Howard 3 years ago
They have a Sticky topic on the forum home page also: [](<br> <br>
Cristian Alonso 3 years ago
@sctn4elk Great! That works! Cheers buddy!
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