You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Can't create PCB
1322 7
thegoodhen 10 years ago
Hello, In my latest project (set it to public), I can't see the footprints when I hit create PCB. It says no footprints have been selected, this is not true! What should I do?
thegoodhen 10 years ago
Sorry, it says "there is no symbol"
thegoodhen 10 years ago
Hm. Must've been a temporary bug. Not sure what caused it. Fixed by duplicating the schematics and deleting it.
thegoodhen 10 years ago
Meh, still doesn't work. When I hit export, some ratlines don't show. :/
andyfierman 10 years ago
I think the problem may be that the OUT connector is very, very slightly off grid in the schematic. (You may have accidentally hit the G key and turned grid snap off for a while, nudged the item and then turned snap back on again the same way). Make sure you have grid snap turned on: **Properties > Canvas Attributes > Snap => Yes** then delete (not cut, Ctrl+X) the OUT connector then place a **new** instance of it. (Cut and pasting it just places it back in a new place but still off grid.) Save the schematic and then try Convert to PCB again. That fixed it on my local copy of your schematic:
dillon 10 years ago
Hi, AndyFierman is right, you create a not good OUT connector. The Pin is not right snaped. But his link is private, check my link
thegoodhen 10 years ago
Okay, thank you! I'll try it. Yea, I sometimes hit g automatically. I am a Blender user and you hit g to move stuff around there.
andyfierman 10 years ago
I'm an LTspice user and the G key places a ground connection ... You can imagine the chaos that could cause when drawing a schematic! :)
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