You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Card Edge Connector with Gold Fingers
4387 8
ldkraemer 7 years ago
I've created a Card Edge Adapter to 34 Pin for 3.5" Floppy Drives, to be used on CP/M Computers. My traces (Top & Bottom) I want to be non plated with RED & BLUE. I've tried drawing the 52mil traces to the edge, past the edge, and the only way I could get no errors with DRC is to stop way short of the Border Outline. So, how can I get my 52mil traces to the Border Outline without the DRC errors, and have them be Gold Fingers. The NPTH option doesn't work because I can't get double sided to work, and I can't put a NPTH on the Bottom. I'd appreciate a short example with the proper method. A DAY AND HALF LATER................... Early this morning, I located PCB_EDGE_CONNECTOR_6x2, so I edited it and created a PCB_EDGE_CONNECTOR_17x2 in the PCB editor. So, I modified my PCB artwork for my Floppy Adapter. Why is there no Card Edge Connector SCH or PCB for 34 Pin, 50 Pin Floppy's? I've created two files PCB_EDGE_CONNECTOR_25X2 & PCB_EDGE_CONNECTOR_17X2, but for some reason I get an error when I make the two Connectors (34 & 50 Pin) for each Floppy Drive. How can I send these files to someone who can help finish generating the library part files? Larry
andyfierman 7 years ago
For a schematic symbol you could use: `HDR2x25` or; `HDR2X25_numbered_by_row` There's a PCB module: `PCB_EDGE_CONNECTOR_25X2` EasyEDA is flexible enough to allow you to easily create your own symbol or footprint either by editing an existing part or from scratch. :)
ldkraemer 7 years ago
Andyfierman, Here is what I would like for you to try. 1. Create a Project. 2. Create a Schematic 3. Search for "HDR2X25_numbered_by_row" 4. Insert that in your Schematic 5. Right Click on HDR2X25_numbered_by_row 6. Insert the following in the entry for PACKAGE PCB_EDGE_CONNECTOR_6X2 7. Now, save the schematic and CONVERT THE PROJECT TO PCB. 8. It should work correctly. 9. Now edit the entry for PACKAGE PCB_EDGE_CONNECTOR_25X2 10. Now, save the schematic and CONVERT THE PROJECT TO PCB. 11. You will see the partial listing for the ERROR. What is the problem? Larry
andyfierman 7 years ago
Hi Larry, In your step 9 you are trying to add a PCB *module* as a PCB *footprint*. This does not work. You could make it work but you have to add the module to your PCB and then edit it by doing and `Ungroup > edit > Regroup` Instead what I have done is to edit the PCB module to pull the pads out of it and then convert them in the EasyEDA Source file to a PCB footprint. So now, if you enter `PCB_EDGE_CONNECTOR_25X2` into the `Package` field, you will pull in a proper PCB footprint. Go to `More Libraries...` and search for `PCB_EDGE_CONNECTOR_25X2` under `System Components` and have a look at the Description for more information. If the dimensions don't suit your application then just clone it and edit the pad dimensions and spacings, edit the Desc ription and then save it under a new name (Hint, to get the pad centres right, the Snap size is set to 100mil. To get the pad dimensions right select a smaller Snap size. Note that you can swap Units on the fly). To answer your earlier question: I guess the reason there was no dedicated connector footprint for a 25x2 floppy drive is that they are not much in demand these days... :)
ldkraemer 7 years ago
Andyfierman, OK, I finally figured out how to make a footprint. So, I updated the following: CON-EDGE-CONNECTOR-M-017X2 PCB_EDGE_CONNECTOR_17X2 And I can select the part and create a PCB with the Gold Edge Fingers (displayed in RED & BLUE) for the Top and Bottom Layers. Hopefully, you can access my parts ( 34 Pin) and add them to the 50 Pin Floppy repository. THANKS. Larry
EasyEDA 7 years ago
Please note that your `CON-EDGE-CONNECTOR-M-017X2` is a PCB module not a PCB footprint. `Hopefully, you can access my parts ( 34 Pin) and add them to the 50 Pin Floppy repository.` There is no specific repository. All `User Contributions` parts go into the same publically shared library. I have created a documented, centred, version of: `PCB_EDGE_CONNECTOR_17X2` and put it in `More Libraries > System Components`. To avoid confusion, you may now delete your `User Contirbutions` copy of `PCB_EDGE_CONNECTOR_17X2` if you wish. :)
ldkraemer 7 years ago
Components, OK, I'm interested in exactly how I need to go about making a PCB Footprint. I've searched for tutorials, youtube video's and don't find anything about how to create a footprint file. 1. What are the exact steps to create a footprint? 2. What is the name of the footprint file and extension? 3. How do you specify where to save the components? Thanks. Larry
andyfierman 7 years ago
1) What are the exact steps to create a footprint? Always draw footprints assuming they are on the Top Layer. They can be swapped onto the bottom layer once they have been created and after they have been placed on the PCB. You can select to put pads on top or bottom layer only for SMD pads) or on all layers for through hole parts. Set the hole shape and size in the pad accordingly (0 for SMD). Choose the pads shape and size as required. Draw an outline in the Top Silk Screen Layer. 2) What is the name of the footprint file and extension? There is no need for a file extension. Just save it with a unique name and a helpful description (What it's for. Any other info about it that would useful to other users). 3) How do you specify where to save the components? All user contributed Schematic Symbols (Libs) and PCB Footprints (Libs) are automatically filed under `User Contributions` and are accessible to all users.
andyfierman 7 years ago
Open up some of the existing PCB footprints and play with them to see how they are made and how the different tools in the Editor work. You cannot change the original, you can only save your own copy. You can always delete your copy if you don't want to keep it or if it just comes out wrong. :)
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