Hi there. I was wondering how I could go about either panelizing or ordering two separate PCBs. One would be the actual usable pcb, and the second one would be a flat piece of FR-4 to act as the case when standoffs are used. How can I go about ordering this? When I attempt to panelize the project it just doubles the board outline. I am assuming the fab house would just duplicate the design with through holes onto it. So how can I go about adding just a sheet of FR-4 to my panelized order? Thanks! Sorry if this is poorly explained. I would essentially just like to have the panel be the board with through holes, and the second half of the panel be case component as seen here:[https://cdn\.shopify\.com/s/files/1/0515/5209/2347/products/image2\_5112cf64\-b2d7\-43ab\-bf45\-396159460007\_1000x1000\.jpg?v=1626910726](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/5209/2347/products/image2_5112cf64-b2d7-43ab-bf45-396159460007_1000x1000.jpg?v=1626910726)<br>
What the project currently looks like: