You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
315 1
Angel LaHash 1 year ago
ONE Complaint i have about EasyEDA is i am worked off a location 0,0 and then i come to put in another Circule and place it at 0,0 location and the WHOLE Circuit board has MOVED and now i have to PUT every thign BACK and Recalculate what goes where (even made errors and got the PCB made just to find it is OFF key) Not once twice of three times it happens to me .. a LOT and it MOVES the LOT of things, im sure it isnt ME doing this as i would have to SELECT ALL before moving it to get this .. MAYBE just MAYBE a GLITCH in the software But as there is no one to Contact to say any thing (as the Contact US button doesnt seem to Lead any where) id put my NOTE here
andyfierman 1 year ago
Please post some screenshots or an animated gif to demonstrate the steps you are taking that cause the behaviour that you are experiencing.
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