You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Changing a footprint’s origin without editing the part itself
1122 8
Zoltán Bíró 3 years ago
I mostly prefer that the footprint’s origin to be set to _one of its pins_ (preferable pin #0) rather on its border, corner etc. That’s because the pads are the part’s reference points which should be snapped to the grid, a least this approach is the obvious one to me. Unfortunately there are many parts in the library where this condition is not true, that is, the footprint’s origin is set to one of the part’s corner instead. Is there a way to fix this issue from PCB layout window, without editing the original footprint when placing (that is, creating a custom user component just for the sake of having proper origin)? Maybe a dialog box for Move footprint’s origin by x, y. Sorry if this is already implemented, I’m rather new on EasyEDA.
mrtom528 3 years ago
Usually if you click, then drag a footprint near it's center it will use the center as the snap point. If you click, then drag near a pad it will use the nearest pad as the snap point. You will, or should, see the cross hairs jump to whatever point is nearest and use it as the snap point. Regards.
Zoltán Bíró 3 years ago
@mrtom528 Let me understand. You say that if I click the footprint near a pad and drag it (in order to move it elsewhere on the PCB layout) the footprint will use the pad’s center as snap point? This is not true, at least no true on my settings. I’ve made a video screenshot but I’m not sure how can I embed here is order to show you.
Zoltán Bíró 3 years ago
@mrtom528 Here are 2 screenshots showing the mouse cursor as well (captured from Steps recorder): 1\. As you can see I click a pad which is visibly not snapped to grid\. ![clicking.jpg](// 2\. Now\, while dragging\, the hair cross still snaps on the footprint’s corner\, rather on the center of the pad\. ![dragging.jpg](// What am I doing wrong?
Markus_ee 3 years ago
Hi! Yeah I have the same problem sometimes. Why some people set the origin/center point to somewhere where it is not supposed to be? The absolute center of a component should be set so that he pad snaps to the center points of the grid. That is very easy with resistors, capacitors, coils and etc... With the complex components you should spend a few extra minutes to think about how this component and its pads behave on a grid before saving the component. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
mrtom528 3 years ago
@zoltan.studiorip My apologies, It's a setting you can select. **Top Menu > Setting > System Settings > PCB (tab)** ![Snap_To_Pad_01.png](// Hope that helps. Regards.
Zoltán Bíró 3 years ago
@mrtom528 This is the right answer, thanks!
Markus_ee 3 years ago
mrtom528, you are a lifesaver! Thanks for the info! -Markus
mrtom528 3 years ago
@zoltan.studiorip, @markus_jidoka, You're welcome. Regards.
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