You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Changing attributes of multi-selected objects no longer works
663 2
Dirk.Mahoney 5 years ago
V6.1.33 - PCB Layout Problem: Selecting multiple pads, and trying to, for example, change all them all to the same net, results in only one selected pad having it's net changed. The others are left unaltered. Steps to reproduce: 1\. Place two or more pads onto the PCB design canvas 2\. Set the net of one pad to "ALPHA" 3\. Set the net of the other pad to "BETA" 4\. Multi\-select both pads 5\. Change the net to "OMEGA" Note that only one pad will now reflect the new "OMEGA" net and the other will remain at it's previously assigned net. Notes: This happens regardless of the method used in the multiple selection. You can manually select objects, or use the Design Manager to choose an existing net that you wish to rename, and the results are identical, implying the problem is down at the assignment level and not in the GUI. This problem did not exist in the version that was current merely hours ago. Edit: Okay, so it seems to be local to a particular PCB file. Will investigate further. Rant: Guys, this completely screws over any professional-level work here. Templating and rapid design changes are now impractical.
MikeDB 5 years ago
Actually the old desktop version did this sometimes as well.  Some randomness seems to be in the system
UserSupport 5 years ago
I can't repeat this issue by my side I will try at Mac OS
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