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Changing wiring of schematic part to footprint reverting after update
954 3
lynxlabeling 7 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: When changing the pin to pad correspondence between a symbol and a footprint, changes revert after update and close. Steps to reproduce bug: 1. Open symbol Lynx_Zener-5.1v for editing. 2. Click on footprint to edit. Assign pin 'A' to pad 2. Assign 'K' to pad 1. Update and close. 3. Click on footprint to edit again. The pin to pad connections have reverted back to the origin (A-1, K-2). Results: The pin to pad connections were not updated. Expected results: Obviously, for the update to work correctly. Browser: Chromium
andyfierman 7 years ago
The Bug here is not that the pin re-assignments are not saved. The Bug is that the version of the package editor that opens when you click on the `package` attribute of the symbol that has been opened for editing in the library to assign a new package to it **should not allow you to try to reassign the pins in this process**. Pin reassignment in the Package Manager should **only** be allowed for a Schematic Symbol **after** it has been placed in a Schematic **not** when editing a Schematic Symbol in the Library. Therefore the pin reassignment function **should be disabled/greyed out/not available when the Package Manager is used when editing Schematic Symbols in the library**. You can see that this must be the case because allowing Pin reassignment of library parts in this way would cause chaos as one user edited the pin assignment one way and a different user edited the pin assignment in another way. The correct way to fix the assignment of pin mapping between Schematic Symbols and PCB Packages *in the library* is to create a one-to-one matching pair of a Schematic Symbol and PCB Package. For example, create a Schematic Symbol called `MyUniquePart` and a PCB Package also called `MyUniquePart`. Then make sure the pin mapping are correct and then assign that package to that Symbol.
lynxlabeling 7 years ago
Thanks for that information. I forgot about the fact that a symbol has both a pin name and a number. I had done exactly what you said, but the pin names were A & K, which led me to think those were the pin numbers and had to be mapped. When I changed the number of each of the symbol's pins, that resolved the problem as you said.
andyfierman 7 years ago
Thanks for you post. It was thinking about your Bug Report that made me realise that: 1. it is OK to use the Package Manager to reassign the PCB Package to a Schematic Symbol and 2. it is OK to use the Package Manager to reassign/remap pins between the Schematic Symbol and a PCB Package when editing parts placed in a Schematic and; 3. it is OK to use the Package Manager to reassign the PCB Package to a Schematic Symbol when editing a Schematic Symbol in the Schematic Lib Editor window but; 4. it is **not** OK to allow the Package Manager to reassign/remap pins between a Schematic Symbol and a PCB Package when editing a Schematic Symbol in the Schematic Lib Editor window; **Therefore when the Package Manager is opened from within the Schematic Lib Editor, the pin reassignment/remapping functions should not be available (preferably they should be removed from the panel).**
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