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Circle laser cut
2405 3
KOCMOHABT 7 years ago
HI i need circle laser cut for D50 mm. it`s possible? and how mutch?
dillon 7 years ago
What you mean that? We have stencil cut it is laser cut.
KOCMOHABT 7 years ago
My circuit board is round, a diameter of 50 mm, can you cut it? That I would get a round board at once and not a circle in a square? ![Round PCB][1] [1]: /editor/20170512/5915acd4da0ba.png
andyfierman 7 years ago
Hi KOCMOHABT, If you want a circular PCB then all you have to do is to draw a circular board outline round it. You PCB will then be delivered with a circular outline. * Here's how: At present you have a square board outline. First, delete your square outline. Then select the Board Outline as the working layer. ![enter image description here][1] Next, select the `Arc` tool. * You must use the `Arc` tool (The Circle tool does not work on the Board Outline layer.) Draw an arc as a semicircle. Adjust the arc using the mouse or directly by editing the `Start X/Y`, `End X/Y` and `Radius` parameters. ![enter image description here][2] Then copy and paste the adjusted arc and do `Y` (flip vertical) on the copy. Adjust the `Start X/Y`, `End X/Y` to be the **exactly** same as the first, adjusted arc. That creates the complete circle with a closed Board Outline. [1]: /editor/20170512/5915b8cb77aa7.png [2]: /editor/20170512/5915b65a2d1d0.png
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