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Circuit Simulation 'Pestering' Error/Warning Messages
653 2
SimonShahin 3 years ago
<span class="colour" style="color:rgb(85, 85, 85)">Why is EasyEDA so inefficient—a simple circuit is 'deemed complex' and they refuse to simulate it (I've literally got the exact same circuit working on LTSpice):</span> ![Screen Shot 2021-05-05 at 15.56.49AEST.png](// ![image.png](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
The schematic capture rules are not quite the same in EasyEDA as in native LTspice and a look at your screenshot suggests that what EasyEDA is complaining about may be text in the schematic that is not being understood by the spice netlisting process. It is also not clear from which library the symbol you have used for the Si4980DY comes from and therefore if it is a valid Spice Symbol. Note that: 1. you appear to have multiple netnames on the same net (N003, N004 and N005) 2. your voltage probes overwrite the netnames A and B although in this instance that is harmless because there are no dependent sources that rely on those netnames in this sim. * Your project is private so only you can see it. For more help, please make it public: [](<br> <br> and post the url to it here. In the meantime please take a little time to study the Spice Tutorial, (3) in Welcome to EasyEDA, (2) in: [](
andyfierman 3 years ago
 SimonShahin, Your simulation is fine but here's the problem: At present, all simulations in EasyEDA are run in the cloud. Although EasyEDA does not restrict the types of devices and simulations that can be run, it does limit the cloud resources you can use when running a sim. The cloud resources available may vary depending on the number of users running simulations. Due to the large number of edge transitions, simulations of switch mode supplies and PLL circuits in particular are extremely resource hungry so you may be better to install a local copy of LTspice and use that instead of trying to run it in LTspice on EasyEDA.
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