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Clearance DRC Error
1009 10
Andrew Toogood 5 years ago
I have done several successful PCBs, but still quite new to this. One thing that I just can't seem to work out his the correct way to deal with unused pins during schematic.I had seen them done with the Green X and so did this by default. But the auto router seems to ignore them and cause DRC Errors due to it running tracks right through the pad. I even tried giving them Bogus nets at schematic but had other issues as they go nowhere.The only painful work around I have found is to add notes during PCB layout which get undone every time I update the schematic.What am I doing wrong?
andyfierman 5 years ago
Are you sure that you have placed the green X on the active connection point of the pin? I can't help further on the question of the unconnected pins but if you are saying that your PCB notes are deleted when you make changes to the schematic and then import the changes in to the PCB then that should not happen.
MikeDB 5 years ago
I suspect the only thing you are doing wrong is using the auto-router.   I've seen it make so many silly errors I gave up using it some time ago.
Andrew Toogood 5 years ago
@andyfierman. No notes deleted, my work around is to add a fake net on the PCB so it doesn't route over it. But if I then make other changes to Schematic and import the changes it then obviously removes the fake net I added earlier...
Andrew Toogood 5 years ago
@MikeDB something I can't live without I am afraid made many successful prototypes without any issues but this one.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Add the fake net to the schematic not the pcb then update pcb to bring it into the PCB.
Andrew Toogood 5 years ago
@andyfierman  fails on schematic check as it goes nowhere. Will keep trying things
andyfierman 5 years ago
Try this, using the SHORTING_LINK symbol: ![image.png](// Then convert to PCB (or Update PCB) and draw a trace from either side of LK1: ![image.png](// For more about the shorting link, see: []( You might be able to do this using a single pin pad such as is created for a single pin header but the header must be placed in the schematic first.
Andrew Toogood 5 years ago
@andyfierman thanks for taking the time to respond but I don't understand where you are going with this or what the outcome is. I just want to no what the correct approach is for pins that are not used? Should I use the X or is there another accepted approach that shows it is not connected to anything? If X is correct then can anyone tell me if it is a bug that the auto router routes over the nets of these pins causing DRC errors. If so can I raise it as a bug somewhere. I love easyeda just don't know if I am doing something wrong or if it is a bug and what I can do about it. Cheers
andyfierman 5 years ago
@andrew_0156, Sorry but with no images to clarify what you're asking about I thought you had an issue with placing a dummy track in the PCB that then disappeared whenever you updated the PCB from changes in the schematic. What I have described is a way to do what I thought you were asking about and not have the track be deleted from the PCB when you update it. From your last post this dummy track appears to be something you have added to a pin to which you have applied a do not connect X symbol. With no supporting a picture or public project to illustrate it, it is not clear exactly what you mean. In my first reply, I asked: "Are you sure that you have placed the green X on the active connection point of the pin?" to which you did not give an answer. It is important that you apply the do not connect symbol, X, directly to the active connection point of the pin and not via some length of track between the X and the join point of the pin. Have you also checked that the Schematic symbol and associated PCB Footprint you are using which is showing up these unintended track pad/crossings are actually correct? If they are user contributed then you must check them carefully. If after do this, you still have this problem then please: 1. post some images and;  2. share a public project that demonstrates the issue;  3. either change the category of this topic to - or better, submit a new - **Bug Report** describing the issue in detail with supporting images and shared public project.
Andrew Toogood 5 years ago
@andyfierman yes the X is applied directly, your comment about user contributed items may have some merit so I will try to build a public example to illiterate if I can. So just to be clear the X for not connected pins is the right approach and the auto router should respect it and not rout over it?  Thanks again.
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