You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Clearance Issues
466 7
CliffCoulter 3 years ago
After replacing several resistors to accommodate a different footprint, I ended up with clearance DRC issues that I cannot clear. I imported the changes in the schematic to the PCB, deleted the old resistors, and placed the new ones. Is there a step I'm missing? There are actually no clearance problems on the PCB.
MrToM 3 years ago
Information is a little sparse but... If you have any copper areas, (copper pour, ground plane, etc), then you will need to rebuild them before getting an 'accurate' DRC. There is a setting 'Rebuild Plane Automatically' in Setting > System Settings... > PCB (tab) but I've never witnessed this happen and so always manually rebuild them. _ Regards.
CliffCoulter 3 years ago
CliffCoulter 3 years ago
Mabe this will give you the info you need.
topirinkinen 3 years ago
Hi, Check the net names on PCB for both top and bottom layer traces (red & blue). Changing components might result in changing the netnames, and the PCB editor does seem to rename those automatically. ![image.png](// -Topi
andyfierman 3 years ago
When you click on each warning, what error message do you get at the bottom of the DRC warnings list? Are the net names on the pads of the new components the same as on the tracks joining them?
MrToM 3 years ago
@CliffCoulter, Ah, we've seen this one before, although this version doesn't appear to be public and available for it? I've noticed in the schematic of a prevoius project, (Analog 2.1 Schematic), a few errors which may be contributing to the errors you see now, I dunno for sure but it wouldn't hurt to make sure the schematic is correct before creating the PCB. _ You may have moved onto a different project now , (Not sure really as the project names are a little confusing), but in case you've copied over the errors look at: The resistor / diode ladder center of the schematic has prefix mismatches. Hover over or click on R1 and you'll see it's actually R5. Similarly with R2 -> R1, R3 -> R2, R4 -> R3, R5 -> R4. From R6 onwards seems to be ok. _ If still relevant to the current project then sorting those out and making the project public means we can give you much better guidance instead of just asking you questions.....for instance I would never have found the prefix mis-match without access to the project. _ One other small thing's unusual, and possibly confusing, to mix your schematic symbols....for your resistors you have both European and US styles. Which style you use is personal preference but it's normal practice to choose just one style and stick to it for that project. A small thing I know but... _ Regards.
CliffCoulter 3 years ago
Thanks, After checking, the net names were off and needed to be corrected. Good call. Cliff
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