You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Cloning a project creates large numbers of errors
731 3
MikeDB 4 years ago
I have many working projects where the schematic and PCB match.  However if I clone the project and then without changing anything in the clone use Design -> Update PCB EasyEDA tries to remove about half the components and replace them with identical components.  Even worse it sometimes places components in the wrong place, for example I saw an R9 placed where R19 was supposed to be.
UserSupport 4 years ago
Hi Your schematic prefix must didn't math PCB prefix as before. for the old design, the editor will re-assign the component ID, to make sure schematic match PCB, it depends on component prefix. this change since v6.3.39 []( for solve the component will be removed issue completely. for the new project, you will find that, this issue will not happen again. How to fix: 1, make sure the schematic all components' prefixes match PCB component prefixes, and all prefixes are unique in the schematic or PCB. 2, open schematic and PCB file source, via: Top menu - File - EasyEDA file source. 3\, find out all newgId\, and set them as \`false\`\. PCB do this action too\. ![image.png](// 4, Click the Apply button, the editor will re-assign the component ID base on the prefix. 5, Then schematic and PCB components ID will be matched, and will not remove the parts. Thanks
MikeDB 4 years ago
Ok did that.  There's no newgId in the Schematic, but one in the PCB file which I changed to false. However also had several component labels move position and change to locked.  Fixed them all now but why is this happening ?   EasyEDA used to be a stable platform and I have loads of old designs that sometimes need support.
MikeDB 4 years ago
AND I've just edited the schematic slightly and it wants to change 3 unrelated components.  I've checked the JSON and it's changed newgId back to true. How do I keep it from not corrupting the file ?
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