You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Combined Manual / Autoroute
2707 1
koosjr 9 years ago
It seems to me that autorouting often is a feature that does not work great. I know some very experienced PC Board designers. They work with different software and have tried a couple of packages over the years. They do all layouts manually as they reckon autorouting does not perform well regardless of the software used. However, autorouting does do many traces acceptably and it can save some time. Feature: 1. Do an autorouting. 2. Allow the user to delete the tracks he does not like. 3. He then add tracks, but not all of them. He therefore gives some intelligent input. 4. He then needs an option to fix what is on the layout and have the option to run autorouting for the remaining traces.
dillon 9 years ago
EasyEDA supports manual and autoroute , please keep the ripup tracks unchecked. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20151117/564b144a7b5d7.png
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