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Component autoplacement into PCB!
8725 9
andyfierman 4 years ago
I'm not sure when this feature was introduced but a first attempt at PCB component autoplacement now operates after doing a multiple component selection in the schematic followed by a CTRL+SHIFT+X Cross-Probe-and-Place. This is the board shortly after the initial Create PCB: ![image.png](// I then selected a collection of components in the schematic (sorry but it's private so I'm not going to show that) and did CTRL+SHIFT+X Cross-Probe-and-Place and this is how the components were distributed: ![image.png](// which is pretty much exactly as they are laid out in the schematic. Now, that may not be much like they will end up being placed as it's around two quad-device packages in the upper right that all the ratlines go to but it's a far easier task to lay them out from this arrangement that from the alphanumerical prefix ordered columns that they get pulled into the PCB in the first place. * To do a whole board do CTRL+A (Select All) then do CTRL+SHIFT+X. * Your PCB must have been saved before this will work. Well done EasyEDA, this is a big step forward to help speed up PCB layout. Big thank you!
T.L 4 years ago
Is this function still working? Because on my Computer (MacOS, Chrome Browser) it did not work... I tried CTRL+SHIFT+X and CMD+SHIFT+X. Neither of them worked. Thanks for help!
andyfierman 4 years ago
@lehmann.timon, Working fine for me. 1. Create the schematic; 2. Save the Schematic; 3. Do all the Essential Checks;  4. Do **Convert to PCB...**;  5. Save the PCB;  6. Select a bunch of symbols in the schematic; 7. Do **CTRL+SHIFT+X**;  8. The view will switch to the PCB and the footprints assigned to the selected symbols will highlight, then, as soon as you move the mouse, will distribute as they are in the schematic and then drag around with the mouse until you click to place them s a block.
jonasforssell 3 years ago
Same issue for me. Does not work on OS-X. Can you add this in the menu perhaps?
Jaga 3 years ago
Not working for me as well. Is there such an option in menu?
andyfierman 3 years ago
Works fine for me: As I described above and is illustrated in the Tutorial here: [](
Jon Coop 3 years ago
doesn't work. **CTRL+SHIFT+X or Cross Probe And Place** nothing happans at all. win 10 chrome browser
andyfierman 3 years ago
Is this in the Desktop or online version? Are you working on your own project or one that you have opened but not saved from Please describe the steps you are taking when you try to do Ctrl+Shift +X, preferably with screenshots or an animated gif. If possible share your project with support or make it public so others can investigate.
andyfierman 3 years ago
It used to be that Shift+X and Shift +Ctrl+X only worked on projects that you have saved. It did not work if you tried it on other people's public projects which you had not yet saved to make it your own copy of the project. I am not sure if that is still the case (and I don't have access to a pc just now to check).
andyfierman 3 years ago
I just checked my statement above. It does seem that CTRL+SHIFT+X, Cross Probe and Place only works on projects that you have saved. It appears not to work on other user's projeccts that you have opened. CTRL+SHIFT+X, Cross Probe and Place works once you have saved a copy of another user's project and opened the copy.
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