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Component selectable area too large. How do I edit?
550 3
dbrouwer 3 years ago
I have some components that have very large selectable areas: ![image.png](// ![image.png](// Having the area where the component is selectable larger than the component sometimes causes me to select the wrong component which can lead to inadvertent component moves, especially since even when the component is not visible, it is selectable. How do I make the selectable area the appropriate size for the component? It would also make sense to me to have invisible components be non-selectable.....
andyfierman 3 years ago
If a part has an error in it such as the selectable area being much larger than the actual component, please select the part in the Library and do **Right-click > Report Error**.
andyfierman 3 years ago
If the Footprint is one of your own then you need to open it in the Footprint Editor and look closely for misplaced fragments of lines or pads. Often the easiest solution is to select all the required parts of the footprint, copy them then do Select All and delete everything in the Footprint editor then paste you copied elements back in. Finally, reset the Origin and save it.
dbrouwer 3 years ago
I have also found a way that works, at least in some cases, and may point to a bug. If I select the component, cut, select a reference point inside the component, past it somewhere else. the large selectable area is fixed. So then I select and move it back. I'm guessing that at least some of the large selectable areas are left over from an earilier cut and paste operation, where I was careless about where I clicked for the reference point.
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