You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Component Creation
3278 9
Docara 9 years ago
Hi All, I need to create both a schematic and PCB component. (G5V-2 Relay) Yes, I can find either / or in the libraries but I'm just trying to learn the 'mindset' of the software so therefore how do I start from scratch and end up with a usable component for both schematic and PCB sections. Similarly, for other component hoe would a spice model be attached Thanks
andyfierman 9 years ago
Hi Docara, Welcome to EasyEDA. #### "trying to learn the 'mindset' of the software so therefore how do I start from scratch and end up with a usable component for both schematic and PCB sections." To create a new Schematic symbol, you can either edit one found from a SHIFT+F library search or by double clicking on any symbol from the EasyEDA Libs in the left hand Navigation panel or you can start from scratch by opening a new Schematic Lib canvas. To create a new Spice symbol, you can either edit one found from a SHIFT+F library search including the keyphrase `Simulatable: Yes` or by double clicking on any symbol from the EasyEDA Libs in the left hand Navigation panel or you can start from scratch by opening a new Spice Symbol canvas. To create a new PCB footprint, you can either edit one found from a SHIFT+F library search or by double clicking on any footprint from the **General packages, Through Hole / Surface Mount** lists in the left hand Navigation panel or you can start from scratch by opening a new Schematic Lib canvas. For more please see: Please also see: #### " would a spice model be attached?" please see:
modus 7 years ago
How do you link the schematic symbol to his proper footprint?
andyfierman 7 years ago
![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20170104/586d0c8415ede.png
digitalradiohacker 6 years ago
@andyfierman Just seen this. I've commented elsewhere about the design flow. The above is a bit "convoluted". It is simple and actually really elegant for quickly re-assigning a sch symbol to a new PCB footprint, but it is a bit "down the street and around the houses". I guess newcomers expect to be able to edit a complete component (sch & PCB) and then to be able to save it, at THAT stage, as a custom name so that it can be easily found in the future. See my comments here: [https://easyeda\.com/forum/topic/how\_to\_create\_new\_components\-moicuoGXf]( Sorry if I sound negative or critical, I'm just trying to make this system even better than it already is.
andyfierman 6 years ago
@digitalradiohacker, A couple of points. Since my posts in this thread EasyEDA has changed a lot and the management of the assignment of PCB footprints to schematic symbols is now best dealt with using the Footprint Manager: []( Another very important point to understand about EasyEDA is the Schematic is effectively the master document. The Design Flow is based on this premise. Ideally, all the required PCB footprints have to searched for or created first so that they are all available to be assigned to the symbols used in the schematic but in practice very often the footprints may not be decided on until well into the schematic capture. The symbols are placed in the schematic and then the footprints checked and then assigned to them so that when the PCB is first created, all the footprints will be pulled into the PCB Editor and connected up by ratlines. It is possible to create a PCB in EasyEDA without a schematic but we do not recommend it.
UserSupport 6 years ago
@digitalradiohacker Hi [](
markwills1970 6 years ago
I can produce a YouTube video to show how I do it, if anyone is interested.
RUI PEDRO Moreira 6 years ago
I am interested!
turbomini73 6 years ago
I am as well a video would be great!
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