Last night I did some editing on a schematic then saved it, closed it and exited EasyEDA (V5.3.12).
When I reopened it this morning, many of the components were deleted from it.
I used the Histrories function to recover a copy from before I did the editing then saved that, closed and then reopened it.
The same components and nets are missing!
The screenshot below shows the recovered schematic (with the History window open to show which version of the schematic I receovered):

So then I moved some text to change it, saved it, closed it and reopened it and got this:

I have the same problem if I copy this schematic and then try to open my copy:
Note that my schematic is based on a earlier version of this schematic so it may be there is a bug in the EasyEDA Source for this schematic but we urgently need to understand what is going on here!
However, note that my original edits to my schematic before the big update did not have this problem.