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Components copper and solder from parts override copper area on other side
574 4
wm8s 5 years ago
I have a 2-sided board.  If I have all layers visible, and the selection pencil on the bottom layer, components from the top side (TopLayer, TopSilk, TopPaste, and TopSolder) are still visible instead of the bottom side's ground plane copper pour in the same area. The same is true when I'm looking at the top side: that is, bottom-side components "show through" the top-side ground plane. Is this a feature or a bug?  If it's a feature, can I turn it off? In other words, can I have copper pours on the currently selected side block out all layers of components from the other side? Thanks! ...R
andyfierman 5 years ago
@wm8s, Can you post a screenshot to illustrate this? As I'm sure you are aware, you can of course turn off the visibility of all except the selected layer.
UserSupport 5 years ago
If you mean bottom layer pad will cover the top layer track, it is a known issue, we will fix it in the future.
wm8s 5 years ago
Here's a shot with BottomLayer selected, and all layers except BottomLayer turned off.  This shows the bottom-layer copper pours: ![bottom 1.png](// Here's a shot of the same board with BottomLayer selected, and all layers except TopLayer and BottomLayer turned off.  I want to leave TopLayer visible, because when BottomLayer is selected, I still want to see the top layer stuff show through areas of the BottomLayer **_that have no copper_** (as with the TopLayer stuff that shows through the four vertical tracks on the right). **BUT** I shouldn't be able to see TopLayer component pads (copper and paste) show through BottomLayer copper pours (as happens with the TopLayer rectangular component pads): ![bottom 2.png](//
wm8s 5 years ago
@UserSupport Yes, I think you're describing what I'm seeing. It works both ways: one side's pads cover the other side's copper. I'll wait for the fix. Thanks! ...R
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