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Components are placed outside accessible area after Import Changes
1161 13
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
Concise problem statement: Changed component is placed outside mouse accessible area. Can not be selected by mouse. Steps to reproduce bug: Schematics: Change shape of component A, save schematics, PCB: delete component A, Import Changes, changed component is placed outside accessible area. Can not be selected by mouse. Workaround: Change X,Y-Location. 1. 2. 3. Results: Expected results: Browser:
andyfierman 9 years ago
Seems like a bug to me. As a workaround, try: 1) CTRL+A to select everything on the canvas and then use the arrow keys to move everything around until the off canvas parts come into view. 2) Then move the off-canvas parts nearer to on-canvas. 3) repeat (1) and (2) until everything is on canvas again.
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
support 9 years ago
Can you change the canvas to big?
andyfierman 9 years ago
Could this be happening because the PCB outline fills almost all the canvas so there is no room to place packages after import changes?
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20160201/56af24a1d0ed5.png Was looking like that...
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
But you could only select the attribute not the component.
dillon 9 years ago
I think you will fix it after change the canvas width and height ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20160201/56af27bfa4723.png
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
Hi Dillon, your suggestion is not a fix, it is a bad workaround! With every changed component I should enlarge my "canvas"? Why do you have a "canvas", does it make sense? On my opinion this is a programming issue, don't place a component outside the grid space, take an offset at the border and check if there is already another component, if yes, try another position. Result: Easy workflow, Happy user :) Maybe there is a workaround for experienced EasyEDA developers. But the normal EDA user just gets stuck at that point and has to search for a way out of this situation! In my case I was thinking, is there any other way to move a component other than by mouse? Which component is it? Zoom in, pan, oh, it is Rx, how can I find a table with components ..... finally I could change X and Y-Location. For your suggestion the user has to know that EasyEDA distinguishes between a working area with grid and call that canvas. Why???
support 9 years ago
You are right on this, it is fixed, and will release the new upgrade soon.
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
Fine! :)
dillon 9 years ago
Hi, Please refresh your editor, the new version is V3.2.1. We fix this, thanks. BTW, I found you ask import package and can't replace. Now when you change the package, after import we will keep the right place and remove it with new.
andyfierman 9 years ago
`Now when you change the package, after import we will keep the right place and remove it with new.` That's a great improvement! :)
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
Really great, even changed dimensions of pads are refreshed, that's user friendly! That was very painful with other EDA packages, great solution you found! Good, that you inform the user to update to new version!
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