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Connect trace on PCB to ANY of the pins
417 2
Petr Šícho 3 years ago
Hello, I would like to ask if it is possible to make variable connections in schematic to allow one or more of some pins to be connected. For example, I need to connect a classical tactile switch with four pins, each two of them internally connected together. I do not yet know which of these pins I would like to connect in the PCB design. When I connect both of them to a trace in a schematic, it will then require me to connect them both on the PCB as well. Another example would be connecting a MCU pin to a input or output device. It does not matter to which pin exactly it will be connected. I would like it to draw the schematic in such a way to be possible to specify this group of pins in the schematic and then later pick the concrete pin while designing the PCB. This is possible to do, to some extent, in Eagle. How can it be done in Easyeda? Thanks for aswering
andyfierman 3 years ago
I assume that you are not talking about something where you just add wire links, jumpers or fit-on-assembly 0 Ohm links. To help give an answer to your question it might be helpful to us if you can describe how this is achieved in Eagle? Provide some sort of sketch to illustrate an example or usage case? This topic may cover some aspects of your question: [](
Petr Šícho 3 years ago
This is how is something similar done in Eagle: [](<br> <br> It allows you to choose which of the pins of a tactile switch will you connect in your PCB, while the schematic stays clear.
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