You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Convert to PCB creates multiple TEXT labels
435 1
temp_three 4 years ago
I am trying to create my first PCB. I have laid out the schematic: an Arduino Nano, a power jack , and a RTC. Everything is connected correctly and when I convert to PCB I see no errors, and the PCB tab is created. The only problem is that I see eleven "TEXT" labels appear that I have not entered anywhere. I cannot find a way to delete them. I have watched numerous tutorials and read as much as I can but never see any mention of this. The only thing I have seen is that if I do not want these labels to appear on the PCB I should make them hidden, but it doesn't say how they are to be hidden. How can I stop these labels being created and/or how can I delete the ones I have. Is there a setting I am missing? Any help on this will be appreciated
UserSupport 4 years ago
please dowload your project and send to []( I will help to check
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