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Converting Tube Schematic to PCB
542 1
Kevin Greene 4 years ago
So I'm using a 12au7 symbol. The 12au7 physically is a dual-triode, I have two symbols one for each triode. This helps me look at the circuit.  I now need to connect them together, I've routed pin 123 on the symbol to 678, but still too items on the PCB.. The 12au7 also has a heater on 4 and 5.  Can I do this? Kev
andyfierman 4 years ago
Hi Kev, Could you clarify your question? Do you want to use a dual symbol including the heater pins in your simulation schematic or do you want it only in a non-simulation schematic for conversion to a PCB? There are a number of symbols in the libraries for the complete 12AU7, some as a single symbol, some as a sub-part defined pair or triplet of symbols. Some have PCB Footprints for valve bases assigned, some do not. Similarly, there are a number of PCB Footprints in the libraries for suitable valve bases. (2.3) in (2) in: []( explains more about creating PCB Footprints, Schematic Symbols and assigning footprints ot symbols. For reasons I'm not clear about, unfortunately it is not possible to define Spice Symbols as sub-parts in the same way as non-simulation Schematic Symbols. That said, it is possible to define multi-part Spice Symbols as separate symbols. and they will still work when switched back to Std mode and a PCB Footprint assigned. So here's a way to create symbols that will work in simulation and in a non- simulation schematic and will accommodate the inclusion of the heater pins in a non-simulation schematic and will successfully convert to PCB. :) Sorry if this seems like a lot of work but at the moment there is not enough demand to go to the effort to add valve models with heaters and create all their associated symbols. :( Create a Spice Symbol for one half of the 12AU7; Set it's Prefix (the reference designator not the spice prefix) to U?.1; Name it 12AU7.1; Fill in the Description to say what it is including which side of the valve it is for; Assign the physical pin numbers as required for that half of the valve but do not change the Spice pin numbering; Create or copy your existing Spice Symbol for the other half of the 12AU7; Name it 12AU7.1; Set it's Prefix (the reference designator not the spice prefix) to U?.2; Fill in the Description to say what it is including which side of the valve it is for; Assign the physical pin numbers as required for the second half of the valve but do not change the Spice pin numbering; Create a Spice Symbol for the heater(s) of the 12AU7; Name it 12AU7.3; Set it's Prefix (the reference designator not the spice prefix) to U?.3; **Fill in the Description to say what it is for but explain that it is only suitable for placement in non-simulation schematics;** Assign the physical pin numbers as required for the valve heater(s) but leave the Spice pin numbering blank. In the Simulation Schematic, Place the Spice Symbol first half of the valve; Place the Spice Symbol second half of the valve; Do not place the Heater Spice Symbol. **When you want to do the non-simulation schematic for conversion to PCB, ** **In Sim mode; ** Copy the Simulation Schematic Project into a new project; Add the Heater Spice Symbol; Delete all the Spice voltage sources and probes etc; Save everything; **Switch to Std mode; ** Assign the required PCB Footprints to all the symbols in the schematic; Add the connectors, mounting holes etc; Go through the check list in (4) and (5) in (2) in: []( Do Convert to PCB... Work on the PCB. Go through the check list in (6) in (2) in: []( Order PCBs! The process I have described for creating the multi-part symbols may seem a bit strange since the heater is not actually a simulatable symbol but it helps to keep the symbol set together in the library so simplifies searching for it. For some more clues about how to do this, see the Spice Symbols for the LM13700_TI: ![image.png](//
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