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Copper Area after "Update PCB" (Проблема с заливкой)
578 9
sbhidden 5 years ago
Made PCB with "Copper Area". Than I change my schematic, after that I made "Update PCB". Now "Copper Area" map is not controllable. Shift+B - not solves this problem. Steps to reproduse^ 1.Create new schematic 2.Place one component with more than one pin 3.Connect any pin of placed component GND-net 4.Create PCB 5.Place component on PCB-area 6.Make a copper area and make it with "Solid"-type of "Fill style" 7.Save all 8.Go to schematic and do "Update PCB". Now you can't rebuild this copper area.
andyfierman 5 years ago
"Now "Copper Area" map is not controllable." Please explain in more detail and post some screenshots to help. What happens if you do SHIFT+B to rebuild all the copper areas in the PCB? Are you sure you have the Copper Area canvas attribute set to Visible?
sbhidden 5 years ago
In TOP Layer, RED-colored image(or map) of space, filled by "Copper Area", that's "Fill Style" was "Solid", when I made "Update PCB". After update this RED part is not controllable. Also deleting all copper areas is not solves this problem.
sbhidden 5 years ago
![before.jpg](// ![after.jpg](//
sbhidden 5 years ago
Ctrl+B not works on my Firefox. It opens additional panel of favorite links.
sbhidden 5 years ago
may be this pictue halps to understand ![after2.jpg](//
UserSupport 5 years ago
That seems a bug, please close the PCB and open it again.
UserSupport 5 years ago
Issue confirmed, it is a bug, we will fix it. thank you
andyfierman 5 years ago
@sbhidden, "Ctrl+B not works..." Please reread my post: I said **Shift+B**.
davidg 5 years ago
I just upgrade and I am unable to select the copper area to remove following a schematic update. Shift+B to update the area doesn;t seem to work either. But I see it is noted as a bug and will wait for the fix.
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