I'm designing a PCB heavily using copper areas and PCB modules, and I've discovered two problems.
1. On a 4K monitor, any time a copper area overlaps a component, it's _incredibly_ difficult to select the copper area with the mouse, because you have to hit a pixel on the dotted line exactly. If you don't, you select the component instead. It would be great if we could select the copper area by clicking a few pixels around the dotted line.
2. When first adding PCB modules to a PCB, you have to use Import Changes and check the **"Also update track's net"** option to append the prefix to the track names\. This works for tracks\, but it doesn't apply to copper areas\! I think it should\. If you have a copper area in your module\, it should be treated the same way as a trace\, because really\, it \_is\_ a trace\, just with a funny shape\.
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