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Copper area connections are shown as "not connected"
930 4
skunksoftware 5 years ago
When I connect a pad or PTH to VCC copper area it _seems_ connected, but I still see ratlines [**AND DESIGN MANAGER SAYS NOT CONNECTED**]. I have dozens of VCC connections and I'm not sure if they are connected or not... If copper area still shows ratlines, ok... BUT HOW DO I CONFIRM ALL ARE CONNECTED? - **_I don't want to disable the entire net and miss a connection_**... please advise. Example Picture: (notice all the ratlines, for VCC and GND, haven't added GND copper area yet, but I did add VCC, as you see, VCC connections LOOK connected, double checked, but I see ratline AND **THE DESIGN MANAGER RED X**) ![CaseInPoint3.png](//
skunksoftware 5 years ago
# Close Post (delete please) Rebuilding copper area a few times fixed the ratlines. Still seen red X in design manager, after spending time double checking dozens of connections - a re-refresh showed no problems... To others panicking like me, rebuild copper area, save, restart browser, give it "10" minutes, refresh design manager.
skunksoftware 5 years ago
Well, I will add to it. NO IDEA WHY, but now design manager says my SPI_CLK ain't connected... It was good earlier... I doubled checked connections and they are all connected. I have dozens on net pins to check, any way to actually know which net pins cause the red X?
skunksoftware 5 years ago
Ok, copper pour is buggy. After checking all SPI\_SCLK connections and seeing they are connected \(and it was fine earlier\)\, I decided to set the top layer copper pour net to SPI\_SCLK\, it solved the red X \- I set the copper layer back to GND and rebuilt\.  It still worked\.\.\. no idea\. _Right now all my nets are good and 0 DRC errors._ **What else should I check before having JLCPCB print my PCB?**
andyfierman 5 years ago
@skunksoftware, This is why we have made the "How to ask for help and get an answer" post sticky. :) Please read the Tutorial. Or the FAQ. Or there are shortcuts to the essential checklists in (4), (5) and (6) in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
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