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Copper area not working correctly
1170 10
martin 6 years ago
This past year has, in my opinion, been difficult for EasyEDA. Many bugs have been introduced time and time again, though they are usually being fixed rapidly, it seems we have to deal with one serious issue or another in each release. Besides the obvious frustration it causes while using it, there is the deeper issue of trust. When I send a board out, will it come back OK? So the latest for me manifests itself in this project: [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|ad350d4a5cb6431890c5d6fe7e9e29fd\|644e7fc6cd1046f1afbf28acf332b4b0\|5bc840ce518b44409ff219275a030a4b]( I've invested a bit of time in this (unfinished) layout, and now new copper areas can't properly be added. If I add one on, say, Inner2 and name its net "VDD", no matter what I do, it doesn't properly create clearances from the ground pour, for example. IMHO, you need to slow development to focus first on stability and regain the trust of users. Then, more advanced features become useful, but not before.
dillon 6 years ago
![image.png](// Hi Martin, can you give me an image to show what is the problem, when I tested your design and create a copper, no problems.  Yes, we run too quick in the last year, and will run more quickly at in the next 6 months, then, we will slow down.  Because of Chinese new year , Version 5.9 's public testing is not too long.  normal, EDA will release a A/B test version. after stable, we will release to ALL Thanks.
martin 6 years ago
Hi Dillon, see below: ![Screen Shot 2019-02-13 at 3.44.21 PM.png](// In the above image, notice the WHITE/Selected copper area (created some time ago), net VDD. ![Screen Shot 2019-02-13 at 3.44.30 PM.png](// In the above image, a NEWLY created copper area, net ALSO VDD. ![Screen Shot 2019-02-13 at 3.44.51 PM.png](// And in this image, copper areas are set to Visible, and have all been rebuilt. Notice that the new VDD area is blended in with the ground area. Basically, I can no longer add new copper areas, only ones created in the past work as expected.
martin 6 years ago
Ah, I see that the only net that will fill the copper area is GND. Any other and you get an empty area.
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi please use Copper Area to move up your copper area order []( ![image.png](//
martin 6 years ago
@UserSupport: I can move the ordering of each area, but the area, unless it's GND, comes up with no pour inside at all: ![Screen Shot 2019-02-13 at 8.41.47 PM.png](//
UserSupport 6 years ago
Please set it keep island as Yes.
martin 6 years ago
@UserSupport, thanks. This behaviour seems to have changed recently, then? My other copper areas do not have keep island on and still produce the desired effect. I would say that the keep island setting, even in this case, should be used to, well, keep islands within the pour defined by the area. But not whether there will be a pour or not...
dillon 6 years ago
Becasue other cooper connect the right pads, not a island.
dillon 6 years ago
Becasue other cooper connect the right pads, not a island.
martin 6 years ago
@Dillon, thanks. That resolves the issue, so entirely my bad.
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