You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Copper pour gone wild
494 8
DrMaybe 2 years ago
Hello! I have drawn a PCB in EasyEDA Pro and I have some problems with the copper pour. It seems like I can not delete old cooper pours so the list has grown long (copper manager). Now EasyEda refuses to draw a new one and show them on screen. I only get an outline of some of them ( the last desperate attempts to draw a new one), but they can not be edited or deleted. see the copper manager: ![image.png](// is there a way to delete the copper pours that I do not need?
andyfierman 2 years ago
What version of EasyEDA are you using and how is it configured?
DrMaybe 2 years ago
@andyfierman EasyEDA Pro online version, so guess the latest and greatest version :)
andyfierman 2 years ago
As you create copper areas in the PCB, the Copper Areas are automatically added to the list in the Copper Area Manager. Hence to remove them from the list in the Copper Area Manager, you have to delete them from the PCB. I don't understand why you seem unable to delete your copper areas. Can you select them in the PCB? Can you make a public copy of your project or a public demo that demonstrates this issue and post the link to it here?
DrMaybe 2 years ago
The problem now is that the copper areas are not visible. And creating a new one adds it to the list in the copper manager, but is not visible on the PCB. I have seen the outline of one of the copper areas after a lot of fiddling (changing the order in the copper manager) but is not selectable.
andyfierman 2 years ago
Your project is private so only you can see it to comment. Further responses are just guesswork. For more help you will have to make a public copy of your project or a public demo that demonstrates this issue and post the link to it here. Thanks.
Doug Gale 2 years ago
I briefly thought the same thing happened to me, until I realized that I had to carefully click the edge of the area, not just click arbitrarily inside the solid region. Once you select the copper area itself, then you can press delete normally.
UserSupport 2 years ago
you can select the copper at canvas and delete
DrMaybe 2 years ago
I fixed the problem with some help from EasyEDA support and some extra effort.
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