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Copper regions no longer fill when clicking "rebuild copper area"
479 3
Lech123 4 years ago
As in the title. I'm trying to widen a couple of tracks by manually adding copper area and connecting it to the right net, but "rebuild copper area" seems to have broken for no reason. Edit: after the mess of updates... I found a "copper area manager", (right-click, Copper Area, Copper Area Manager) which seems to be what I was looking for.
Lech123 4 years ago
Never mind -- I figured it out. For reference: "keep island" was set to no.
Lech123 4 years ago
Actually, I'm still having problems with it. I found that "improve fabrication" is another setting that affects it, but it makes no sense. How can I cleanly prioritise a copper area with net X so that it doesn't overridden by a a ground plane?
UserSupport 4 years ago
You need to make copper area net same as the pad's
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