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Copper zones
327 3
Peter Sellers 2 years ago
Hi, 2 layer board, made a prohibit zone. The left area I would like one gnd plane, the right plane another gnd plane. No copper in the prohibit zone, so no connections between the 2 gnd's. Will this be possible? BR Peter ![image.png](//
andyfierman 2 years ago
The safest way to check this process might be make a simplified project to test the proposed type of layout then run and check the Gerbers.
andyfierman 2 years ago
Since the two grounds are separate, giving them differnt names -such as GNDA and GNDB - might be a good idea then there cannot be any accidental ground connections between them. If the net names are different on each side of the prohibit zone then they also cannot accidentally cross the gap.
UserSupport 2 years ago
You need to set the properties to prohibited plane zone, and then rebuild the copper and plane zone ![图片.png](//
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