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Copy existing PCB from a scan
2450 3
eddies 6 years ago
Vintage arcade monitors have quite a few heat generating parts on them. Over 20-30+ years of being powered on, the heat causes the traces to lift off the boards. I would like to import a scan of the board (they are all single sided) into EasyEDA, and use it as a template and trace over the image, and get a new board made. But when I import any image, it turns it into a very bad white silkscreen version lacking the details I need to trace over it. Is there any way to import a image without converting it to a silkscreen?
andyfierman 6 years ago
The problem is that the scan may not give a good image with good definition of the copper areas. You could try painting LLC the copper matt black to improve the scan. Try adjusting the image import settings. You can then change the imported image onto the Document layer. Also, you could try converting the image to a DXF and Import that into the Document layer. However it is largely a waste of time trying to reproduce the original copper layout because the tracks will be drawn in a different way by an example tool. What you really need to know is the component locations and especially the wire and mounting hole locations and dimensions. Then you can use the to Connect pad to pad PCB tool to add the connectivity from which you then do the copper tracking. By the time you have done all that it's probably no quicker than creating a full schematic (assuming that you have one of the original of course)with all the PCB footprint and BoM information in it and then converting that to a PCB and just getting the component placement roughly the same as on the original PCB. And probably less prone to making a mistake.
eddies 6 years ago
@andyfierman The PCB has a high contrast between the traces and the board, so it's easy to see and the scan looks great. I tried the document layer, and adjusting all settings with no help. It still looks like ants tracked over spilled white paint. The a traced over board will have different looking, but as long as I make sure that X connects to Y with about the same thickness of trace, it should be fine. I have the factory service manual with schematic and it would be nice to have that drawn up, but that's an extra step that does not really gain me anything as I would have to do the board layout anyway. And I would be copying the existing board layout as it is proven to work. Thanks for the ideas.
savsat2000 5 years ago
I have the same problem with you and I can't help you
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