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[Solved] Create copper area inside another: inner first is OK but outer first fails with no warnings
1678 3
andyfierman 5 years ago
How to deal with issues like this: **Set the copper area order in the Copper Area Manager. The upper copper has high priority。** [****]( Two tracks. One GND, one VCC. Create outer GND Copper Area first. ![image.png](// Correctly fills and clears VCC track. ![image.png](// Set Copper Area to Invisible. Create inner VCC Copper Area just around VCC track. ![image.png](// Automatically rebuilds copper (or do SHIFT+B to rebuild copper) areas. All seems OK. ![image.png](// Set Copper Area to visible. Oops! ![image.png](// * **No DRC errors!** ![image.png](// Now do the same thing the other way round. Created the inner VCC Copper Area first. ![image.png](// Then add the outer GND Copper Area. This fills correctly. ![image.png](//
UserSupport 5 years ago
Yes, it is known issue,  we doesn't fix it yet.
andyfierman 5 years ago
OK, as long as you are aware of this behaviour. Thanks.
andyfierman 4 years ago
UserSupport has just reminded me how to deal with this issue: "You need to set the copper area order at copper manager. the upper copper has high priority。 []("
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