You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Create PCB lib from exisiting PCB
1060 2
ACA_Hobbyist 8 years ago
I have a PCB design that I am happy with. I want to use it repeatedly (x8 times) in a larger design. So I tried to create a module (can not see it or select it to be inserted) I then tried to create a PCB Lib, but I can not simply copy my existing PCB or any components from it. Do I really need to start again from scratch of is there a simple way to do this that I am missing? Please help, many Thanks.
andyfierman 8 years ago
Hi ACA_Hobbyist, Welcome to EasyEDA. Your PCB design is private which means that only you can see it so I'm guessing a bit in my reply. If you have created a PCB then you can save it as a PCB module by doing: **Document > Save as Module...** then insert your module name and click on `Save`: ![enter image description here][1] Next, open a new PCB window. Wait a few seconds then go the left hand Navigation panel and click on **My Modules** Then in the window that opens click on `untagged` then select your module from the list ![enter image description here][2] then click `Place` to put it into a new PCB. * Note: at present there appears to be a bug that swaps the module from top to bottom orientation with alternate placements. To work around this, please just place one instance and then do: SHIFT+F and reselect your module from the list and place the second instance * **Note also that although the part prefixes increment to avoid duplicate numbers appearing, the net labels do not change.** Therefore you will have to manually update the netlabels to avoid accidental cross connections. To simplify this task it is easier if all nets in the schematic from which the original PCB layout is created are uniquely named. Then it is a simple task to add a numerical suffix such as _1, _2 and so on to all the nets in each module instance. * Please refer to: for an explanation of why it is best to always create a PCB from a schematic rather than directly in the PCB editor. [1]: /editor/20161026/580fcdfaa6b9e.png [2]: /editor/20161026/580fd06c4ea13.png
ACA_Hobbyist 8 years ago
That's great, works a treat, many thanks Andyfireman :-)@andyfierman
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