You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Create PCB of a defined size?
2049 2
KiwiDust 8 years ago
Is there some tick to this? all I want is a pcb of 15.2mm x 20.3mm have spent hours at the gui and it just fights me at every step All I want it to be able to enter the distance, is this possible? Lots of things I want to be able to just type the lengths of, distances between components for eg and it seems like you can't I find the GUI incredibly frustrating at times.
dillon 8 years ago
Hi, You just need a few seconds to create such a board outline, please check if it is OK. Steps, 1. define an origin point. ![enter image description here][1] 2. change the grid to smaller, even you can press `G` to unsnap . ![enter image description here][2] 3. set the right unit mm ![enter image description here][3] 4. note the Mouser-DX mouser-DY value, DX is 15.3mm now, so you can move to 15.2mm ![enter image description here][4] [1]: /editor/20160617/5763a1ae493e8.png [2]: /editor/20160617/5763a1f347e37.png [3]: /editor/20160617/5763a26e833e1.png [4]: /editor/20160617/5763a230411b8.png
andyfierman 8 years ago
@KiwiDust, If you draw the outline as separate lines rather than as one line with corners then you can edit the XY co-ordinates of the end points directly as text entries in the Properties panel. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20160617/5763b7423da14.png
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